
Authentication mechanisms.

gcpdiag supports authentication using multiple mechanisms:

  1. Application default credentials

    gcpdiag can use Cloud SDK’s Application Default Credentials. This might require that you first run gcloud auth login --update-adc to update the cached credentials. This is the default in Cloud Shell because in that environment, ADC credentials are automatically provisioned.

  2. Service account key

    You can also use the --auth-key parameter to specify the private key of a service account.

The credentials that you use with gcpdiag needs to have at minimum the following roles granted (both of them):

  • Viewer on the inspected project
  • Service Usage Consumer on the project used for billing/quota enforcement, which is per default the project being inspected, but can be explicitly set using the --billing-project option

The Editor and Owner roles include all the required permissions, but we recommend that if you use service account authentication (--auth-key), you only grant the Viewer+Service Usage Consumer on that service account.