Product: Apigee API Management
Rule class: ERR - Something that is very likely to be wrong
In order for the Apigee Managed Instance Group (MIG) to work correctly, network connection from the External Load Balancer (XLB) to the MIG must be allowed by the firewall rules
Ensure that the following firewall rules are present on the project:
By default during the installation of ApigeeX a firewall rule is created with the name:
IP address ranges
are the source IP address ranges for Google Load Balancing -
The target parameters needs to have the
of the MIG which can be identified from the MIG template. -
By default
is the tag used by the MIG instance template.
Recreation Steps :
Identify the Managed Instance Group name and list out the configuration for it.
gcloud compute instance-templates describe {INSTANCE_NAME}
Identify the tags used for the instance template from the above configuration
Create the firewall rule with the target tag identified from the Instance Template
gcloud compute firewall-rules create FIREWALL_RULE_NAME \ --description "Allow incoming from GLB on TCP port 443 to Apigee Proxy" \ --project {PROJECT_ID} --network {VPC_NAME} --allow=tcp:443 \ --source-ranges=, --target-tags={MIG_INSTANCE_TAGS}