
Check for any billing anomalies using cost insights

Product: Cloud Billing
Rule class: WARN - Something that is possibly wrong


Cost insights are part of the Recommender service, and you can use them to find important patterns in your costs. For example, you see a cost insight in the Insights API if your costs for a day are significantly higher or lower than your typical daily costs. You can use this information to find out if some of your resources are getting more usage than expected, and take action to optimize your costs.

Note, cost insights are calculated before any credits (such as promotional credits or Committed Use Discounts (CUDs)) are applied to your Cloud Billing account.


The details of the WARNING will let you know if the costs are higher or lower than expected. For lower than expected costs, check whether all services you expect to be running are indeed running. For higher than expected costs, take a look at the Billing Console to see what product is causing the spike.

Further information