Cloud Composer logging level is set to INFO
Cloud Composer logging level is set to INFO
Cloud Composer’s worker concurrency is not limited by parallelism parameter
Cloud Composer does not override the StatsD configuration
Cloud Composer has no more than 2 Airflow schedulers
Cloud Composer has higher version than airflow-2.2.3
Composer Service Agent permissions
Composer Environment Service Account permissions
Cloud Composer is not in ERROR state
Cloud Composer private IP Cluster non-RFC1918 IP range
Cloud Composer Dags are not getting timed out by the Dag Processor
Cloud Composer Dags are getting zombie error
Composer environment deletion not failed due to NAT configuration
Composer Creation not failed due to ‘no error was surfaced’ Error.
Composer Service Agent permissions for Composer 2.x
fluentd pods in Composer environments are not crashing
Composer scheduler parses all DAG files without overloading
Cloud Composer does not override Kerberos configurations
Cloud Composer tasks are not interrupted by SIGKILL
Cloud Composer tasks are not failed due to resource pressure
Cloud Composer database CPU usage does not exceed 80%
Cloud Composer is consistently in healthy state
Airflow schedulers are healthy for the last hour
Cloud Composer Scheduler CPU limit exceeded
Cloud Composer Airflow database is in healthy state
Cloud Composer Intermittent Task Failure during Scheduling
Cloud Composer Scheduler CPU usage above 30%-35%.
Cloud Composer Airflow Worker Pods not in Eviction state.
Having the composer API enabled ensures the environment remains in a healthy state.