gce/Fetch Vm Details

Fetching VM details …

Product: Compute Engine
Step Type: START



Failure Reason

The GCE VM {vm_name} is in an undesired state: {status}.

Failure Remediation

This step failed because GCE Virtual Machine {vm_name} is expected to be in a RUNNING state:

To initiate the lifecycle transition from {status} to RUNNING state follow guide [1]

If you encounter any difficulties during the startup process, consult the troubleshooting documentation to identify and resolve potential startup issues [2] Resources: [1] https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/stop-start-instance#restart-vm [2] https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/troubleshooting/vm-startup#identify_the_reason_why_the_boot_disk_isnt_booting

Success Reason

The GCE VM {vm_name} is in the expected state: {status}.