iam/Vm Has An Active Service Account

Investigates if a VM’s service account is active.

Product: Identity and Access Management (IAM)


This step checks if the specified service account is neither disabled nor deleted. It verifies the existence of the service account and its active status within the specified project.

Attributes: template (str): Template identifier for reporting the service account status. service_account (str, optional): The email address of the service account to check. If not provided, it is obtained from the operation’s context. project_id (str, optional): The ID of the Google Cloud project within which to check the service account. If not provided, it is obtained from the operation’s context.

Failure Reason

Service account: {sa} is deleted

Failure Remediation

Service account: {sa} has been deleted. If you want to restore a deleted service account, you can undelete it, if it’s been 30 days or less since you deleted the service account. After 30 days, IAM permanently removes the service account. Google Cloud cannot recover the service account after it is permanently removed, even if you file a support request. Follow [1] to and [2] to verify service account is deleted. [1] https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts-delete-undelete#deleting [2] https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts-delete-undelete#undeleting

Success Reason

Service account: {sa} to use when exporting logs/metrics

Uncertain Reason

Can’t find service account {sa} in project {project_id}

Uncertain Remediation

We couldn’t automatically detect service account {sa} and assert if it is active. i.e not disabled or deleted.

Follow [1] to manually list and check the service account if it has been deleted or disabled.

Follow [2] for more details or deleted service accounts and [3] to undelete if feasible. [1] https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts-list-edit#listing [2] https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts-delete-undelete#deleting [3] https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts-delete-undelete#undeleting