gce/Auth Principal Has Iap Tunnel User Permissions Check

Verifies if the authenticated user has the required IAP roles to establish a tunnel to a VM.

Product: Compute Engine


This step examines scenarios where users need to tunnel into a VM via IAP. It checks if the user has the ‘roles/iap.tunnelResourceAccessor’ role at the project level, necessary for initiating an Identity-Aware Proxy tunnel. The check focuses on project-level roles, not considering more granular permissions that might be assigned directly to the VM or inherited from higher-level resources.

Failure Reason

“{auth_user}” lacks the “{iap_role}” role necessary to Tunnel through IAP for access.

Failure Remediation

Ensure “{auth_user}” is granted the “{iap_role}” role. Resource guide: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/oslogin/set-up-oslogin#configure_users https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/manage-access-service-accounts#grant-single-role

Success Reason

“{auth_user}” has the requisite “{iap_role}” role to tunnel through IAP.