gce/Auth Principal Has Os Login Permissions Check

Evaluates whether the user has the necessary IAM roles to use OS Login access a GCE instance.

Product: Compute Engine


This step ensures the user possesses one of the required roles: OS Login User, OS Login Admin, or Project Owner, which are essential for accessing instances via the OS Login feature. A failure indicates the need to adjust IAM policies.

Failure Reason

“{auth_user}” is missing at least one of the required OS Login roles: {os_login_role}, {os_login_admin_role}, or {owner_role}.

Failure Remediation

Assign “{auth_user}” one of the role required to have OS Login privileges. For more information: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/oslogin/set-up-oslogin#configure_users https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/manage-access-service-accounts#grant-single-role

Success Reason

“{auth_user}” possesses at least one of the required OS Login roles: {os_login_role}, {os_login_admin_role}, or {owner_role}.