dataflow/Dataflow Permissions

Analysis and Resolution of Dataflow Permissions issues.

Product: Dataflow Kind: Debugging Tree


This runbook investigates Dataflow permissions and recommends remediation steps.

Areas Examined:

  1. Dataflow user account permissions
  2. Dataflow Service Account
  3. Dataflow Worker Service Account
  4. Dataflow Resource Permissions

Executing this runbook

gcpdiag runbook dataflow/dataflow-permissions \
  -p project_id=value \
  -p principal=value \
  -p worker_service_account=value \
  -p cross_project_id=value


Name Required Default Type Help
project_id True None str The Project ID of the resource under investigation
principal True None str The authenticated user account email. This is the user account that is used to authenticate the user to the console or the gcloud CLI.
worker_service_account True None str Dataflow Service Account used for Dataflow Job Creation and execution
cross_project_id False None str Cross Project ID, where service account is located if it is not in the same project as the Dataflow Job

Get help on available commands

gcpdiag runbook --help

Potential Steps