iam/Iam Policy Check

Verify if specificd principal has permissions or roles permission/role in project.

Product: Identity and Access Management (IAM)


This step supports checking for either all specified permissions/roles are present or at least one for the principal (user or service account). It reports the present and missing permissions/roles accordingly. Also, identifying which permissions or roles are present and which are missing.

Attributes: principal (str): The identifier for the principal whose permissions are being checked. permissions (Optional[Set[str]]): A set of IAM permissions to check. Specify this or roles. roles (Optional[Set[str]]): A set of IAM roles to check. Specify this or permissions. require_all (bool): If True, requires all specified permissions or roles to be present. If False, requires at least one of the specified permissions or roles to be present. template (str): The template used for generating reports for the step.

Failure Reason

{principal} doesn’t have at least one of the expected {permissions_or_roles}: {missing_permissions_or_roles}.

Failure Remediation

Follow Guide [1] to grant a role which has the correct permissions. [2] has a list of all Google predefined roles available to you.

Note: You may want to doublecheck with your project admins of the best way to grant the role or custom roles which can be used.

[1] https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/grant-role-console [2] https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/understanding-roles

Success Reason

{principal} has expected {permissions_or_roles}. {present_permissions_or_roles}.