pubsub/Pull Subscription Delivery

Diagnostic checks for Cloud Pub/Sub pull delivery issues.

Product: Cloud Pub/Sub Kind: Debugging Tree


Provides a DiagnosticTree to check for issues related to delivery issues for resources in Cloud Pub/Sub. Particularly this runbook focuses on common issues experienced while using Pub/Sub pull subscriptions.

  • Areas:
    • delivery latency
    • quotas
    • pull rate
    • throughput rate

Executing this runbook

gcpdiag runbook pubsub/pull-subscription-delivery \
  -p project_id=value \
  -p subscription_name=value


Name Required Default Type Help
project_id True None str The Project ID of the resource under investigation
subscription_name True None str The name of subscription to evaluate in the runbook

Get help on available commands

gcpdiag runbook --help

Potential Steps