All steps available in gce

gce/Analysing Serial Logs End

Finalize Serial console Log Analysis.

gce/Check Live Migrations

Checking if live migrations happened for the instance

gce/Check Serial Port Logging

Checks if ops agent serial port logging

gce/Cloud Init Checks

Cloud init related checks

gce/Compute Cluster Manager Termination

Investigate termination initiated by GCP GCE Compute Cluster Manager

gce/Cpu Overcommitment Check

Checking if CPU overcommited beyond threshold

gce/Disk Avg Io Latency Check

Check Disk Avg IO Latency

gce/Disk Health Check

Disk Health check

gce/Disk Iops Throughput Utilisation Checks

Checking if the Disk IOPS/throughput usage is within optimal levels

gce/Gce Firewall Allows Ssh

Assesses the VPC network configuration to ensure it allows SSH traffic to the target VM.

gce/Gce Vpc Connectivity Check

Checks if ingress or egress traffic is allowed to a GCE Instance from a specified source IP.

gce/Gcp Ssh Permissions

Evaluates the user’s GCP permissions against the requirements for accessing a VM via SSH.

gce/Guest Os Issued Shutdown

Investigate shutdowns issued from within the guest OS

gce/High Vm Cpu Utilization

Evaluates the CPU of a VM for high utilization that might indicate performance issues.

gce/High Vm Disk Utilization

Assesses disk utilization on a VM, aiming to identify high usage that could impact performance.

gce/High Vm Memory Utilization

Diagnoses high memory utilization issues in a Compute Engine VM.

gce/Host Error

Investigate the cause of a host error

gce/Investigate Guest Os Issued Shutdown

Analyse Guest OS related logs which would explain a shutdown

gce/Investigate Logging Monitoring

A Decision Point for to check Logging and/or Monitoring related issues

gce/Linux Guest Os Checks

Examines Linux-based guest OS’s serial log entries for guest os level issues.

gce/Managed Instance Group Recreation

Investigate if an instance recreation by MIG was normal

gce/Multiple Termination Check

IInvestigates multiple VM terminations within a given project to determine the causes.

gce/Number Of Terminations

A decision point that determines the scope of VM terminations to investigation.

gce/Ops Agent End

Finalizes the OpsAgent checks.

gce/Ops Agent Start

Prepares the parameters required for the gce/ops-agent runbook.

gce/Os Login Status Check

Checks for OS Login setup and and non OS login setup on a VM to guide further diagnostics.

gce/Posix User Has Valid Ssh Key Check

Verifies the existence of a valid SSH key for the specified local Proxy user on a (VM).

gce/Preemptible Instance

Investigate the cause of a preemptible VM termination

gce/Scheduled Stop Policy

Investigate the cause of a scheduled stop policy

gce/Serial Log Analyzer Start

Fetching VM details.

gce/Shielded Vm Integrity Failure

Investigate the cause of a shielded VM integrity failure

gce/Single Termination Check

Investigates the cause of a single VM termination.

gce/Ssh End

Concludes the SSH diagnostics process, offering guidance based on the user’s feedback.

gce/Ssh In Browser Check

Investigate SSH in Browser components

gce/Ssh Start

Initiates diagnostics for SSH connectivity issues.

gce/Stop Operation Gateway

Determine the kind of stop operation

gce/Terminate On Host Maintenance

Investigate the cause of termination related to host maintenance

gce/Termination Operation Type

Determine the type of termination

gce/User Or Service Account Initiated Stop

Investigate the cause of a user-initiated VM termination

gce/Vm Guest Os Type

Distinguishes between Windows and Linux operating systems on a VM to guide further diagnostics.

gce/Vm Has A Service Account

Verifies the existence of a service account for the Ops Agent to use.

gce/Vm Has Ops Agent

Verifies that a GCE Instance has at ops agent installed and

gce/Vm Lifecycle State

Validates that a specified VM is in the ‘RUNNING’ state.

gce/Vm Performance Checks

Assesses the overall performance of a VM by evaluating its memory, CPU, and disk utilization.

gce/Vm Performance End

Finalize VM performance diagnostics.

gce/Vm Performance Start

Fetching VM details.

gce/Vm Scope

Verifies that a GCE Instance has at least one of a list of required access scopes

gce/Vm Serial Logs Check

Searches for predefined good or bad patterns in the serial logs of a GCE Instance.

gce/Vm Termination End

Finalize the diagnostics process for VM terminations

gce/Vm Termination Start

VM termination pre-runbook checks

gce/Vm Termination Type

gce/Windows Guest Os Checks

Diagnoses common issues related to Windows Guest OS, focusing on boot-up processes and SSHD.