gce/High Vm Disk Utilization

Assesses disk utilization on a VM, aiming to identify high usage that could impact performance.

Product: Compute Engine


This step leverages monitoring data if the Ops Agent is exporting disk usage metrics. Alternatively, it scans the VM’s serial port output for common disk space error messages. This approach ensures comprehensive coverage across different scenarios, including VMs without metrics data.

Failure Reason

Disk utilization on this VM’s boot disk is critically high, potentially affecting application performance.

Failure Remediation

To mitigate high disk usage, consider expanding the VM’s boot disk capacity. This action can help avoid performance issues and ensure smoother SSH connections. Follow the guide to increase disk size: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/resize-persistent-disk#increase_the_size_of_a_disk

Success Reason

The boot disk space usage for the Compute Engine VM {full_resource_path}, is within optimal levels.

Skipped Reason

No Google Cloud Ops Agent installed on the VM, making it difficult to retrieve disk utilization data via metrics. Falling back to checking for filesystem utilization-related messages in the serial logs.