gce/Vm Scope

Verifies that a GCE Instance has at least one of a list of required access scopes

Product: Compute Engine


Confirms that the VM has the necessary OAuth scope https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/access/service-accounts#accesscopesiam


  • Use access_scopes to specify eligible access scopes
  • Set require_all to True if the VM should have all the required access. False (default) means to check if it has at least one of the required access scopes

Failure Reason

GCE Instance {full_resource_path} doesn’t have any of the required access scopes: {required_access_scope}

Failure Remediation

Access scopes are the legacy method of specifying authorization for your VM instance. They define the default OAuth scopes used in requests from the gcloud CLI or the client libraries. Access scopes don’t apply for calls made using gRPC.

Update {full_resource_path} to enable at least one of the following access scopes: {required_access_scope}

[1] https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/change-service-account#changeserviceaccountandscopes

Success Reason

GCE instance {full_resource_path} has at least one of the required scope: {present_access_scopes}