gcp/Service Api Status Check

Check whether or not a service has been enabled for use by a consumer



Checks is a Cloud API service is enabled or not. Guides the user to enable the service if it’s expected to be enabled and vice versa.

Attributes: api_name (str): The name of the service to check. expected_state (str): The expected state of the service, used to verify against the actual service state retrieved during execution. API state has to be one of the value of gcp.constants.APIState

Failure Reason

The {service_name} service is not in the expected state {expected_state}

Failure Remediation

This service is expected to be enabled. Execute the command below to enable {service_name} in {project_id}

gcloud services enable {service_name} –project={project_id}

Resources https://cloud.google.com/service-usage/docs/enable-disable#enabling

Success Reason

The {service_name} service is currently in the expected state: {expected_state}.