All steps available in lb

lb/Analyze Latest Health Check Log

Look for the latest health check logs and based on that decide what to do next.

lb/Analyze Timeout Health Check Log

Analyzes logs with the detailed health check state TIMEOUT

lb/Analyze Unhealthy Health Check Log

Analyzes logs with detailed health state UNHEALTHY.

lb/Analyze Unknown Health Check Log

Analyze logs with detailed health state UNKNOWN.

lb/Check Past Health Check Success

Checks if the health check has worked successfully in the past.

lb/Check Vm Performance

Checks if the instances performance is degraded.

lb/Unhealthy Backends End

Concludes the unhealthy backends diagnostics process.

lb/Unhealthy Backends Start

Start step for Unhealthy Backends runbook.

lb/Validate Backend Service Port Configuration

Checks if health check sends probe requests to the different port than serving port.

lb/Verify Firewall Rules

Checks if firewall rules are configured correctly.

lb/Verify Health Check Logging Enabled

Check if health check logging is enabled.