vertex/Check Workbench Instance Using Official Image

Check if the Workbench Instance is using the official images

Product: Vertex AI


Users have the option to create Workbench Instances with any image However, only ‘workbench-instances’ official images are supported

Failure Reason

image: {image} images without ‘{images_family}’ text in the image name are not supported but might work with Workbench Instances [1] [1]

Failure Remediation

Users are responsible for customizing unsupported images or custom containers Create a Workbench Instance with the official ‘{images_family}’ family of images. Officially supported images are found in the Google Cloud Console: Vertex AI Workbench UI > Instances > Create form > Advanced > Environment > Previous versions dropdown. You may also follow the documentation [1] to use Custom Containers [1]

Success Reason

OK! Workbench Instance {instance_name} is using an official ‘{image_family}’ image: {image}

Uncertain Reason

image: {image} ‘{images_family}’ images might work with Workbench Instances, but are unsupported [1] [1]

Uncertain Remediation

Officially supported images are found in the Google Cloud Console: Vertex AI Workbench UI > Instances > Create form > Advanced > Environment > Previous versions dropdown.